Errata corrige:
il nostro amico Sir William the Aged , ci informa che il numero di pezzi contenuti nella scatola è diverso da quanto precedentemente indicato in questo post (ripreso da un altro blog). In realtà sembra che la scatola contenga solo
10 figure montate
9 figure appiedate, delle quali 3 reggono i cavalli e 6 sparano.
Potete vedere le immagini e leggere una critica ala composizione della scatola nel bellissimo blog
After a very short waiting, Zvezda announced the release of the new box about GNW, Russian Dragoons. We don't have any images of the miniatures but, fom tha box picture, it seems that all of them wear tricorne hat. Maybe it would have been better to make them wearing the pokalem hat, instead. It would have had more sense, even to differentiate them from Swdish dragoons , that have virtually the same uniform, colours apart. Anyway, a new box is never a trouble, even if I deem this is the one that goes to complete GNW range.
Errata corrige:
our friend Sir William the Aged , kindly informs us that the real number of miniatures in this box is different from the one we have previously reported (and that was taken from another blog). You can read all about the box in the great blog
Thank you, Sir William.